These terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use") apply to all visits to and all use of this website of Apple Fox Malaysia ("Apple Fox"), as well as to all information, recommendations and/or services provided to you on or through this website (the "Information").
By using this website you agree to the applicability of these Terms of Use. We note that these Terms of Use may be changed over time. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon the posting of the modified Terms of Use. Users of the website are advised to regularly read the Terms of Use for possible changes.
The Information is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice. Heineken shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use (or inability to make use) of this website, including damages caused by viruses or any incorrectness or incompleteness of the Information, unless such damage is the result of any willful misconduct or gross negligence on part of Heineken. Heineken shall not be liable for damages resulting from any lack of suitability, timeliness or accuracy of this website or the Information.
Heineken shall further not be liable for damages resulting from the use of electronic means of communication, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from the failure or delay in delivery of electronic communications, interception or manipulation of electronic communications by third parties or by computer programs used for electronic communications and transmission of viruses.
Heineken disclaims all warranties including, but not limited to, warranties of conditions, quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
The Information originating from third parties constitutes an expression of the personal opinions of those third parties. Heineken is not responsible and shall not be liable for such Information.
Hyperlinks on this website may direct visitors to external websites which are maintained by third parties. Apple Fox shall not be liable for the contents and the functioning of such external websites. Apple Fox shall also not be liable for the quality of products or services which may be offered on such external websites.
Unless indicated otherwise, all intellectual property rights to this website and the Information are owned by Heineken. These rights include but are not limited to all copyrights, rights to the trade names, word trademarks, pictorial trademarks and logos of Apple Fox, such as, but not limited to the rights to "Apple Fox".
Users are permitted to read this website and the Information and make copies for their own personal use, for example by printing or storing. All other use of the website or of the Information, for example the storage or reproduction of (a part of) the website of Heineken in any external internet site is not permitted.
In the event that you post unsolicited ideas and/or materials whether consisting of texts, images, sounds, software, information or otherwise (the "Materials") on this website or send such Materials to Apple Fox such Materials to the fullest extent and free of charge. Apple Fox shall not be bound by any confidentiality obligation in respect of such Materials.
You hereby indemnify and hold Heineken harmless from and against all actions, claims and liabilities, suffered, incurred or sustained by Heineken as a result of the use and/or exploitation of the Materials infringing the (intellectual property) rights of any third party or otherwise being unlawful towards a third party.
If these Terms of Use are or become partially void, the parties will continue to be bound by the remainder of the same. The parties shall replace the void part by provisions that are valid and have legal effect that correspond with those of such void part as much as possible, taking into account the content and the purport of these Terms of Use.
These Terms of Use shall be exclusively governed by Guinness Anchor Marketing Sdn Bhd. All disputes arising in connection with these Terms of Use, including but not limited to disputes concerning the existence and validity thereof, shall be resolved by the competent courts of Malaysia.
This policy serves as a written notice ("Notice") as prescribed under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the "PDPA"), to inform you that your personal data is being processed by or on behalf of Heineken Marketing Malaysia Sdn Bhd ("HMMSB", "our", "us" or "we"). For the purpose of this Notice, the terms "personal data", "sensitive personal data" and "processing" shall have the meaning prescribed in the PDPA.
We are collecting and further processing the personal data you choose to share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media sites, including our brand website (collectively, “Social Media Sites”). The personal data collected and further processed by us may vary between individuals depending on the privacy and security settings available to your account on the relevant Social Media Sites. For more information about the choices and means for limiting the personal data processed by the Social Media Sites, please visit the respective Social Media Sites privacy policy page.
We will be processing your personal data, including any additional information you may subsequently provide to us, for the purposes of contacting or communicating with you, advertising our or third party’s services, products, activities, special events or offers, to respond to your posts, submissions, comments, requests, inquiries or complaints, to request feedback from you, assessing your application to register for the use or subscription of the Website, [to provide services to you], administer your participation in contests, conduct internal activities, market surveys and trend analysis, other legitimate business activities of Guinness Anchor Marketing SdnBhd, and any other purposes as may be related to the foregoing [and/or as set out in the Social Media Sites and if applicable, contest terms and conditions] (collectively, the “Purposes”).
In respect of the personal data collected from our brand website, it is obligatory that you supply us your name, date of birth, contact details, any information that you enter on forms and any personal data included in content you upload on the site. If you choose not to provide us the compulsory personal data, we may not be able to process your personal data for any of the Purposes.
In respect of the personal data collected from our brand website, it is obligatory that you supply us your name, date of birth, contact details, any information that you enter on forms and any personal data included in content you upload on the site. If you choose not to provide us the compulsory personal data, we may not be able to process your personal data for any of the Purposes.
By “liking” our Facebook brand page, or following us on our brand’s Instagram or Twitter, or subscribing to our brand’s YouTube channel or by submitting your personal data through the registration page of our brand website or otherwise expressing or providing a similar indication of your interest in us in other Social Media Sites, you hereby agree that you have read this Notice and consent to our collection and further processing of your personal data in the respective Social Media Sites in the manner as specified in this Notice. Unless you have asked us not to, we will contact you by posting, messaging or emailing you with any offer or promotions in relation to our upcoming events, products and services. If you do not wish to receive any of these offers or promotions, or wish to make a data access request, data correction request, to limit the processing of your personal data, or to contact us with any enquiries or complaints in respect of your personal data, you may do so to:
Designation:Brand Manager
Telephone No.:(603)78614688
E-mail address: admin@applefox.com
You are responsible for ensuring that the personal data we collect is accurate, complete, not misleading and kept up to date.
This Notice shall be drafted in English as well as in Bahasa Malaysia. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this notice, the English version shall prevail over the Bahasa Malaysia version.
Dasar ini berfungsi sebagai notis bertulis ("Notis") seperti yang ditetapkan di bawah Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai "Akta"), untuk memaklumkan bahawa data peribadi anda sedang diproses oleh atau bagi pihak Heineken Marketing Malaysia Sdn Bhd ("HMMSB", "kami", "kita" atau "kita"). Bagi maksud Notis ini, terma "data peribadi", "data peribadi sensitif" dan "pemprosesan" hendaklah mempunyai erti yang ditetapkan dalam Akta.
Kami sedang mengumpul dan selanjutnya memproses data peribadi yang anda pilih untuk dikongsi di Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, dan laman-laman media sosial lain, termasuk laman web jenama kami (secara kolektif, “Laman-Laman Media Sosial”). Data peribadi yang telah dikumpulkan dan selanjutnya diproses oleh kami mungkin berbeza di antara individu-individu bergantung kepada ketetapan privasi dan keselamatan yang sedia ada pada akaun anda pada Laman-Laman Media Sosial yang berkaitan. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang pilihan-pilihan dan cara-cara untuk mengehadkan data peribadi yang diproses oleh Laman-Laman Media Sosial, sila layari halaman polisi privasi Laman-Laman Media Sosial berkenaan.
Kami akan memproses data peribadi anda, termasuk apa-apa maklumat tambahan yang anda mungkin kemudiannya berikan kepada kami, bagi maksud menghubungi atau berkomunikasi dengan anda, mengiklankan perkhidmatan, produk, aktiviti, acara khas atau tawaran kami atau pihak ketiga, untuk menjawab pos, penyerahan, komen, permintaan, pertanyaan atau aduan daripada anda, untuk mendapatkan maklumbalas daripada anda, menilai permohonan anda untuk mendaftar untuk penggunaan atau langganan Laman Web, [untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada anda], mentadbir penyertaan anda dalam pertandingan, menjalankan aktiviti dalaman, selidik pasaran dan analisis trend, aktiviti-aktiviti perniagaan Guiness Anchor Marketing Sdn Bhd sah yang lain, dan apa-apa tujuan lain yang berkaitan dengan perkara di atas [dan/atau seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Laman-Laman Media Sosial dan jika terpakai, terma dan syara tpertandingan] (secara kolektif, “Maksud-Maksud”)
Berkenaan dengan data peribadi yang telah dikumpulkan daripada laman web jenama kami, ia adalah wajib untuk anda memberikan kepada kami nama, tarikh lahir dan butir-butir hubungan anda. Jika anda gagal untuk memberikan kami data peribadi wajib tersebut, kami boleh enggan untuk memproses data peribadi anda untuk mana-mana maksud-maksud tersebut.
Kami mungkin menzahirkan data peribadi anda kepada perbadanan-perbadanan berkaitan kami, pembekal perkhidmatan, rakan-rakan perniagaan, dan mana-mana jabatan-jabatan dan/atau agensi-agensi kerajaan, badan-badan kawal selia dan/atau berkanun sebagai mana dan apabila dikehendaki oleh mana-mana undang-undang atau peraturan-peraturan.
Dengan menyatakan “liking” di halaman Facebook jenama kami, atau mengikuti kami di Instagram atau Twitter jenama kami, atau melanggani saluran YouTube jenama kami atau dengan menyerahkan data peribadi anda melalui halaman pendaftaran laman web jenama kami atau sebaliknya menyatakan atau memberikan petunjuk yang sama minat anda kepada kami dalam Laman-Laman Media Sosiallain, Anda dengan ini bersetuju bahawa anda telah membaca Notis ini dan memberi persetujuan untuk pengumpulan dan pemprosesan selanjutnya data peribadi anda dalam Laman-Laman Media Sosial berkenaan mengikutcara yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini. Melainkan anda telah meminta kami untuk tidak berbuat sedemikian, kami akan menghubungi anda dengan mengirim, menghantar mesej atau menghantar e-mel kepada anda berkenaan apa-apa tawaran atau promosi berhubung dengan acara-acara, produk dan perkhidmatan yang akan datang. Jika anda tidak ingin menerima mana-mana tawaran atau promosi ini, atau ingin membuat permintaan mengakses data, permintaan pembetulan data, untuk mengehadkan pemprosesan data peribadi anda, atau menghubungi kami dengan apa-apa pertanyaan atau aduan berkenaan dengan data peribadi anda, anda boleh berbuat demikian ke:
Perjawatan: Pengurus
No. Telefon: (603) 7861 4688
Alamat E-mel: admin@applefox.com
Anda bertanggungjawab untuk memastikan bahawa maklumat yang anda berikan kami adalah tepat, lengkap, tidak mengelirukan dan terkini.
Notis ini hendaklah didrafkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris serta dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Sekiranya terdapat ketidak seragaman di antara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia ke atas Notis ini, maka versi Bahasa Inggeris akan digunakan.
Apple Fox Malaysia ("Apple Fox") is the controller of the processing of all personal data collected through this website (the "Website"). Heineken respects your privacy and complies with the provisions of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission on the Processing of Personal Data ("APPD").
This Privacy and Cookie Policy (the "Policy") provides information regarding the processing of personal data collected through the Website, as well as the rights to access and correction of such personal data.
This Policy may be changed over time. Such changes shall be effective immediately upon the posting of the modified Policy. Users of the website are advised to regularly read the Policy for possible changes.
Apple Fox processes personal data that it collects through the Website. The following categories of personal data are collected:
- name
- date of birth
- contact details
- other information that you enter on forms on the website (email, mobile phone number, etc.)
By using the services available on this Website, you explicitly grant permission for Apple Fox to transfer your personal data to third countries, even if such countries do not ensure an adequate level of data protection.
The transfer, storage and processing of personal data collected through this Website is secured by means of current, usual technical measures.
In general, Heineken will not retain the personal data that is obtained through this Website for a period longer than two years.
This local website for Malaysia visitors dedicated to the Apple Fox brand (the “Website”) is provided by Guinness Anchor Bhd (GAB) (“Heineken”). After you submit the age-gate form and enter the Website, the Website will make use of so-called "cookies". Cookies are small text files that the Website stores locally on your computer. The Website uses cookies to recognise you if you visit the Website. By doing so, Apple Fox is able to improve user-friendliness of the Website and to adjust the Website to your needs. The cookies of the Website that are stored on your computer remain valid for an unlimited period of time after your first visit to the Website.
The Website uses cookies for the following purposes:
- Functional cookies: cookies used to enhance the user friendliness of the Website for visitors. For example, a cookie is placed to remember your preferred country and language settings and to remember the information you submitted on the age-gate page. Without this cookie, you would have to re-submit the age-gate form before every page you want to visit on the Website. The functional cookies of the Website that are stored by Apple Fox on your computer only remain valid during your session on the Website.
- Analytics cookies: Apple Fox uses Google Anaytics cookies, with the purpose to analyze how visitors use the Website. Apple Fox can then make improvements to the usability of the Website. Google only processes data obtained via the Website in an anonymous form. Please visit www.google.com/analytics for more information on Google Analytics.
- Third party cookies: the Website allows cookies of social plugins of several third parties. This enables a user to share content of the Website on certain social networks. These plugins also enhance the user friendliness of the Website. For example with the Facebook plugin on the Website, users can simply register to the Website with their Facebook account details. The (use of the) data collected by these third parties via the social plugins are exclusively determined by such third party as Apple Fox cannot read these cookies (nor can these parties read the cookies of Apple Fox). For information regarding the third party cookies, please read the respective third party’s policies.
By changing the settings in your web browser, you can establish that you will be given notice if a cookie is stored on your computer. By changing settings, you can also establish that your browser does not accept cookies from this Website. However, if your browser does not accept cookies from this Website, you may not be able to access or use all features of this Website.
Please send an email to admin@applefox.com in case you have any questions concerning anything on the use of cookies on the Website.